Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tips for Improving Your Writing Skills

Hey everyone, the last post about writing, is about tips for improving your writing skills. Well, obviously, to improve your writing, you need to write. However, there's more than that. So, what can you do to improve your writing skills? Curious? Read more!


Speaking Intonation

"It's raining"
how do you read the above? is it just simply telling it's raining? or more like, "it's raining?", or exclamation, "it's raining!". Different intonation will give different expression. Let's know more about it.

Public Speaking

Today I'm going to tell you what to know when doing a public speaking. I believe you all kind of able to speak English well and now ready to do a public speaking, right? Well, I'm going to give you some tips on how to do it then, ready?

Monday, June 29, 2015

Another Tips for Speaking

Hi, I found more tips for you guys. This time, it's from fluentu.com
how to speak english well

Some Speaking Tips

Hello again, and welcome to our blog. Need some tips to improve your speaking? You got it! Here are some tips to improve your English speaking skill. Check it out.