Monday, May 25, 2015

Writing Skill : Formal vs Informal Writing

What's up, everyone. Have you practiced your writing? If you have, great! Do not forget to, also, practice the other skills. You still have reading and listening skills, remember?
Okay, now, let's move on to the next topic of writing skill. It will be "Formal vs Informal Writing". What are they? What are the differences? Let's check it out!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Writing Skill : The Basic Structure

Hello again, how's everything? I've posted about an introduction to what the Writing is, haven't I? So, to continue the post, let's have a look on the Basic Structure and Knowledge that you need to know in writing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What is Writing? : Introduction

Hey everyone. It's been quite a while. I'm going to continue posting things here, and I hope you'll look forward to it. Anyway, today I'm going to write an introduction about "Writing Skill", one of the four major skills to develop when learning English, and also other languages. So, here's some materials I found.