Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What is Writing? : Introduction

Hey everyone. It's been quite a while. I'm going to continue posting things here, and I hope you'll look forward to it. Anyway, today I'm going to write an introduction about "Writing Skill", one of the four major skills to develop when learning English, and also other languages. So, here's some materials I found.

What is "Writing"?

"Writing" is the process of using symbols (can be letters of alphabet, punctuation, spaces, etc.) to communicate ideas through a readable form of communication.

This "writing skill" must be very familiar for you, especially in your own language, because you do this almost every day. For example, when you take notes on your teacher's explanation, when you do your homework, when you send messages and emails, etc. Since it is familiar already, does it mean you can do writing, especially in English, easily? No, you still need time to practice, and it depends on how many times you do your English writing practice and how much times you've spent.

To write clearly, you need to learn the basic system of the writing. In English, this includes grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and punctuation.

You can write to yourself as your personal enjoyment, or to several audiences, whether they are known or unknown. Known or targeted audience may be, for example, your friends, your family, your teacher, etc. while the unknown audience may be, for example, your public blog audience, just like what I have right now (Yes, it's you. :v). So, depending on the audience, your writing, as in speaking, can be formal or informal.

Examples of formal writing:

1. Essay writing at school and college,
2. Cover letters to apply for jobs,
3. Emails and letters at work,
4. Writing used in most books, and advertisements
5. etc.

Examples of informal writing:

1. Letters and text messages sent to friends, relatives, or your (ehem) lover,
2. Writing used in your personal notes to yourself or to your children,
3. Writing used in some books, and advertisements
4. Your blog's contents,
5. Your social media statuses and updates,
6. etc.

There are so many examples of those two kinds of writing that I won't present here, so, let's see if you can find them by yourselves.

Those kinds of writing have their own rules that regulate how you write them. The differences in their rules can be the use of grammar in each type, the vocabulary, the punctuation, the sentence structure, the use of contractions and abbreviations, and also the use of perspective. The rules apply, so do not ignore the rules if you want your writing to be good and neat.

So, how if you want to start practicing your English writing skill? What can you do?

Well, the simplest task that you might want to do first is to set your own will to be better at this skill, because this skill needs practice. Start by taking your personal notes when you are in a class in English, no matter what subject it is. If you have English subject in your school, don't forget to do your homework to improve your writing skill. Also, you can start writing your own journal or diary, as I told you in my second post about learning tips, if you want to develop further. Setting your own will, and doing some simple writing might be a very good start for you.

If you do this often, you will get used to it, and you will develop faster as you write daily. Furthermore, if you wanna step into the next level, look for guidance on the internet about how to write. You'll get a lot of stuff there, and you will see that there are so many things in writing other than what I've written here.

So, I'll give you further explanation about writing on my next post, so please look forward to it. Don't forget to start learning to write now, and always explore the internet and other resources to develop your English. See you ~ !


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