Thursday, March 26, 2015

Some Tips for Beginners!

Hey, everyone! This is the second post from me!

So, now I'd like to give you tips that I found on the internet. These tips are for those who want to start learning English. So, here we go~!

1. Make a Commitment!
Learning something takes time, and it sometimes might make you feel depressed. But, if you really feel ready to learn something, start to make a commitment! If you are about to learn English, say that YOU are ready to learn it, no matter how long it is. It depends on your commitment, whether you will be able to learn English quickly, or slowly. Make a strong commitment, so that you will get motivated to learn English.

2. Imagine Yourself as a New Baby!
Like what I said before, babies learn almost everything autodidactly. But of course, it takes time, and also errors. Nobody does everything perfectly on the first try. Start to learn like a baby. Learn to listen, and then speak English. Then, learn to read and write in English. Actually, it's all up to you which to learn first, but it's better to learn to listen before learning the other.

3. Listen to English Everyday

Listening to English everyday makes you better and better in English. You will be easier to get what the speakers are saying, how words are said, and etc. It will be very hard at first, but DO NOT WORRY!  It is very normal. Everything takes process, right ?

4. Read in English
It is easy to read, especially now, because you can find almost anything on the internet. Try to look for some articles, stories, song lyrics, etc. and try to understand the ideas. It's not easy at first, but you will be able to understand things easily as you keep reading. Don't forget to use a good dictionary! :D When you have became better in understanding the meanings of articles or stories, try to read aloud, because this will help you improve you pronounciation skill.

5. Write Journal or Diary in English
Make a journal or diary, in English! This will help you to improve your writing skill. Try to look for some references on the internet.

6. Pay Attention to Sound Patterns
When listening to native speakers talk, pay attention to the words they emphasize. You will slowly understand more about speaking from native speakers. This is really helpful in your speaking skill later. You can see and watch or listen to native speakers on the internet and movies. It's fun to learn while watching movies or surfing through the internet, isn't it ?

7. Be Friends with Native Speakers or People that are Good in English
Be friends with them, it will be fun. You will understand more about English, and also their culture, as you talk with them. Don't be shy, just speak! Later, ask them about your mistakes in English, so that you will notice your own weakness in speaking English. This will train your mouth on saying things in English, and also your ears on hearing things in English.

8. Sing Songs
If you’re musically inclined, you can practice English by singing along with your favorite English-language songs. Print out the lyrics and look up English words you don’t know so you can improve your understanding.

9. Make English Part of Your Everyday Life
No matter what study methods you choose, make sure you’re practicing English on a daily basis. This is the best way to develop your language skills and make sure they stick. The more you use English, the better result you will get.

10.Visit an English Speaking Country
Learn English more quickly. Stay with an English family, and you can hear native speakers talking everyday. You will also have a fun experience there. Trust me, visiting English speaking country is one of the best way to learn English.

p.s : You can try to look for materials that are being taught by schools. But, do not rely on them so much when you're speaking.

So that's all the tips I can give to you guys. Don't stop learning English, even if you feel that everything is hard. As long as you got yourself some spirit and resources, you will be able to use English in no time.

See ya! And, have a nice day! ^^


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