Monday, March 2, 2015

Introduction (Autodidactism)

Hi everyone, this is our first post! Finally!

First of all, I want to make a simple introductory post concerning about the contents that are going to be discussed here. So, I want you to know what Autodidactism or Self-educating is about.

"Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) or self-education is the act of self-directed learning about a subject or subjects in which one has had little to no formal education." Well, based on that simple explanation, we can conclude that we are going to discuss about how to learn things by ourselves. NOT by formal education. Why ? Because I believe that everybody is capable to learn things autodidactly. 

For example, when we were first born as babies, we weren't capable of doing anything. All we knew is to cry, aloud. But as the time passed, we, slowly but surely, learn many things starting from crying, moving our bodies, doing simple movements and reactions to everything. And now, we can read, talk, write, walk, and do many other things. You actually learned all those things by yourselves, and of course with a little help by your parents. That's why I'm saying that everyone is capable. You just proved it, didn't you?!

Alright, now you have known (a bit) about Autodidacticism and why everyone is capable of becoming a self-learner. Now the question is: What are we going to learn here ? Well, that's a good question before we start the actual content posting. The answer is: English!

Why English? Is it necessary to learn English? 

Well, I would say "YES". Because English is our International Language (beside of Mandarin and some other languages). Learning English is important now, because if you are able to speak or use it, international communication would be a piece of cake. Everything would be easier and more understandable. Just imagine, if you don't know how to speak and/or use English language, and you want to be friends with foreigner. What would you say to them if you don't know English? It would be terrible, isn't it? Using G*ogle translate ? I'm sorry, that will not work properly if you want to translate a full sentence. Sadly, you may not be able to say anything properly.

So learning English is important. That's why we are here. We are going to share about 'how to increase your English' here. We will give some resources for you to learn, we will review those resources, and we will share anything we found that would likely help you to increase your English.

Thanks for reading this introduction. I hope everything goes fine in the future, and I hope we can help you with your English. Oh yeah, I don't want to be so 'formal' in writing posts, so I will not use complicated English words. I myself is still a learner too.

See you next time! :D


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