Saturday, April 11, 2015

Things to Do when Listening

How is your listening skill? Does it get any better? Do you listen to English conversations every day? Or, do you listen to English stories every day?
I want to share something related to listening skill to you. It’s about “things you should do and what you should not do when listening”. 

Do's and Don'ts When Reading

When reading, there are do's and don'ts you need to pay attention to, like your reading, your surrounding, even yourself.

More Grammar Goof Examples

Hey, people. I'm going to continue my friend's post about ''Grammar Goofs". Have you seen it? If no, scroll down, and you will find it. :)
So, here are more examples of grammar goofs that are commonly found in both texts and conversations.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Grammar Goofs

Have you ever misuse words? Like, "you're car is so cool."? There's an awkward feeling when you read this, right? Now, what I'm about to give you is words that mostly misused, and how to prevent it to happen by knowing how to use them properly, ready?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

More Websites!

Okay, so have you tried all of the websites before? If yes, here're some more.

8 Great Websites to Learn English

Hi there. Welcome back.
Have you got the tips from the previous posts? If you have, very good. If no, you'd better check it out.
Anyway, in this post, I want to share 8 great websites to learn English. I will give some description about the websites below. Read more, please. ^^

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How To Improve Your Reading Skill?

Okay, maybe some of you still have difficulties on reading, but that's okay. Here are some tips on how to read effectively, do you need a dictionary? Of course you do.


How to Improve your Listening Skill

Hi everyone? How's it going?

Did you take a look at all of our tests. Did you do them? I hope you did them, so that you can see where you are at with your English. I've posted the listening tests, while my friend, another author, has posted the reading tests. And today, I'm going to give you some tips on how to improve your English listening skill. Do you want to know? Well, if you do, please continue reading. :)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Test Your Listening Skill! II

Hi, we meet again. How are you today? Did you succeed with our last tests? If you haven't taken the test yet, scroll down and find the "Test Your Listening Skill!" post to take the test before proceeding to this second test.

In this second test, we will do the same thing as the first one, but it will be harder this time. Same rules apply. On your marks! Ready! Set! Go~!

Test Your Reading Skill! III

Okay, I believe you nailed the second reading test with flying colors? If yes, congrats! Now, are you ready for a bit level up? And always remember to have a dictionary around~

Let's go, I believe most of you know Michael Jackson? Yes, this is about him.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Test Your Listening Skill!

Hi everyone! How's your study? Have you got any better in English?
Okay, today I'm going to give you some short conversation audios. All you need to do is simple. Try to understand and repeat what the speakers are saying. I will provide the audios, and also the conversation texts. Try not to look at the text first when you're listening to the speakers talking. You can write down the words that the speakers said, and later, see if you can get yourself good results that match the texts. Here we go!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Test Your Reading Skill! II

Okay, now for another Reading Skill improvement. This time it's a story. Remember to always have a dictionary so you can find the word that you don't know/understand. Ready?

Test Your Reading Skill!

Now, let's start. One of the most important skill in learning English is reading. This is simple, all I want you to do is read the article, and find any words you didn't know/understand, and please don't use Google Translate, It's a machine, never trust a machine. Use a dictionary instead.
Ready? Set... Read more!