This is usually happens in a chat, remember, your is a possessive pronoun, which means you use it when "you" own something, like, "your car."
You're, however, is a contraction of "you are", as in " you are funny."
It's is also a contraction of it is or it has as in "it's my number."
Its is a possessive pronoun as in "I stabbed its heart."
So, how to distinguish its from it's? try to use "it is" in your sentence. If it doesn't sound right, then its is the word.

3. There/Their/They're
There is used when you want to tell a location like "on the corner over there."
Their is a possessive, for example, "their rides."
they're is a contraction for they are, as in "they are going to the mall."
4. Affect/Effect
Affect is a verb, which usually used like, " what you won't do now, will affect your future."
Effect is mostly a noun, for example, "Stock crash would be the effect of this accident."
5. Then/Than
The only way to distinguish these are knowing that "than" is used as a comparison, so, unless it's a comparison, use "then".

Loose is when something is not tight enough.
lose is the antonym of win, or when something is gone.

7. I/me/myself
This looks ridiculous, right? But people do misuse them. However, the more you listen to the right one, the more you know it's wrong when you hear the misused one. "me like food.", now that's is wrong. "My parents love me.", that's the right one.
8. Apostrophe (')
There are two cases for the use of apostrophe, first is when you make a contraction (I'm, you're, they're, ...). Second, is when you want to show possession (Adit's, Bela's, ...)
And you certainly don't use it on plural.
Okay, for now, try to savor these 8 into your mind first. Overloading your brain isn't going to do you any good.
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