So, do you remember what writing is?
Writing is the process of using symbols (can be letters of alphabet, punctuation, spaces, etc.) to communicate ideas through a readable form of communication. So, when you are writing, you are putting symbols and letters that form some certain kinds of written expression like words, sentences, and paragraphs. Things like words, sentences, and paragraphs build your writing. So, firstly, it's important to know what they mean.
What is a word?
A word is the smallest unit of language that has a particular meaning(s). The examples are: I, you, broom, crown, apple, happy, sad, fly, bring, yesterday, tomorrow, etc. It's just as simple as that. Words are constructed by letters, based from what language they are from.
What is a sentence?
A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. It is usually started with a capital letter (A,B,C,etc.) and ended with a full-stop or period (.). The examples:
- I am happy.
- They are so excited about the camping.
- The books are very thick and heavy.
What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of sentences that point out a particular idea. One paragraph usually expresses one particular main idea. The example:
I love to play soccer. It is one of my hobbies. I usually play soccer with my friends every day. I really like it because it is really fun for me. It also builds up our group's teamwork. Soccer is my favorite sport and I will keep playing it with my friends.
Those are the basic structure of a writing. Now, there are also basic yet important things that you need to know and understand. They are grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation.
What is grammar?

Grammar is the structure and system of a language. It is the way in which words are put together to form a proper sentence. You need to learn grammar to write. Why is that? Well, if you want your writing to be easily understood and comprehended, it is necessary to arrange words properly. It is not as simple as putting words together. That's not how it works.
Grammar has something to do with tenses, parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.), and many other things that regulate how words are arranged. There are so many things to study concerning about grammar, so it is important to start with little things first,
A sentence basically contains a noun/subjet and a verb, which later, will be completed with other complement aspects (adverbs, preposition, etc.). So, start out by making simple sentences, such as:
- I go to school.
- She runs very fast.
- They play soccer.
For a further explanation, search the internet. There are a LOT of them. Here are some websites that will help you:
1. Grammar Book
2. Grammarly
See if you can find out more websites. :)
What is vocabulary?
Vocabulary is the words of a certain language that you speak or learn to speak. It is good if you already know many words in a certain language. Why? Simply because you know exactly what you are going to write. It will be hard if you only have a little knowledge about the vocabulary, in this case English vocabulary. For example, I am Indonesian, so I know Indonesian vocabulary. And I'm going to translate an Indonesian word into English. The word is, let's say, "bagaimana", which means "how" in English. What if I do not know about the English of that "bagaimana" word? I will not be able to continue my translation, right?
So, it is really important to know the vocabulary well. What's that? You are a beginner in English? Nah, it's not a problem. If you put your heart and effort into learning English, you will succeed before you know it. My advice is: always bring your dictionary, whether it is hard-copied or soft-copied. Dictionaries help you to find meanings, don't they? So, don't forget about your dictionary.
And, make sure that it is a good dictionary. Because a good dctionary provides a large amount of information compared to the bad one. Oxford and Merriam Webster are the examples.
What is punctuation?
Punctuation is the use of spaces, signs, and symbols, that lead the readers to a better reading and comprehension. This is also important. Why? Now, imagine if you make sentences like these:
Can you read them? Yes, of course. But you needed time, didn't you? Now, compare with these ones:
Hello My name is Alfred
I love my family and my pets
Better, huh? Yep, but there are still missing things that are essential. Now, these are good form of those sentences:
Hello. My name is Alfred.
I love my family and my pets.
Did you notice the changes? Yes, They have some period (.). Periods are important to help your readers know when to stop. Now, you know the importance already, don't you?
Alright, so these are the basic structure of your writing that you need to know and understand. I can not explain everything here, so I hope that you will find the rest yourselves. Writing is a bit complicated, that's why i wrote a lot of things here. Don't worry, there will be another long posts upcoming, so brace yourselves. :3
Anyway, thanks for reading this post. Start practicing your writing skill by simple things. And also, keep exploring the internet for more information. The information I provided won't be enough to lead you to be better at writing.
See you again next time!
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