Saturday, April 11, 2015

Do's and Don'ts When Reading

When reading, there are do's and don'ts you need to pay attention to, like your reading, your surrounding, even yourself.


1. Interest yourself.
When you read, make sure you're interested in your reading. That way, you can understand it more. However, don't really push yourself in understanding it.

2. Pick a quiet surrounding.
Pick a quiet surrounding or place so you can increase your focus. If you can't find one, make one.

3. Enjoy your reading.
Make every second in your reading comfortable, so you can absorb more information from it.


1.Reading in the dark.
How? and why?

2.Read too fast.
reading too fast is not really recommended since you might miss important information. Read thoroughly so you can understand it well, and know what you are reading.
.Slow Down photo slow_down.jpg

Okay, perhaps that is all I can share to you, ciao.

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