Monday, April 6, 2015

Test Your Listening Skill! II

Hi, we meet again. How are you today? Did you succeed with our last tests? If you haven't taken the test yet, scroll down and find the "Test Your Listening Skill!" post to take the test before proceeding to this second test.

In this second test, we will do the same thing as the first one, but it will be harder this time. Same rules apply. On your marks! Ready! Set! Go~!


Conversation 1 - Level 3

Conversation 2 - Level 3

Okay, those are level 3 conversations. Try to write and repeat what they are saying. Take your time, do not get too rushed. Keep playing the audios until you can understand what the speakers are talking about.

Let's go to the next level.

Conversation 3 - Level 4

Conversation 4 - Level 4

And those are level 4 conversations. Try to write and repeat what they are saying. Take your time, do not get too rushed. Keep playing the audios until you can understand what the speakers are talking about.

So, how was it? They're hard, aren't they? Did you understand the conversations? Were you able to write all the words? You might want to check your writing. I'll give you the conversation texts below.


Conversation 1 - Level 3

Shop assistant:  Yes Sir, may I help you?
Man               :  Yes, I bought this DVD player from here but I’d like to return it because it’s not working properly. 
Shop assistant:  Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong with it?
Man               :  It will play some DVDs fine but then won’t play others at all. Even when you are playing a brand new one, it keeps stopping or the image just freezes. 
Man               : Oh, um, Let me take a look at it. 

May I help you? = Can I help you? (use "May I help you?" to sound more formal)
DVD player = A machine that plays digital versatile discs
I’d like to return it = I would like to return it
the image just freezes = the image stops moving
Let me take a look at it = Can I examine it?

Conversation 2 - Level 3

Shop assistant:  Is the DVD player still under warranty?
Man               : Yes, I only bought it about 3 weeks ago. 
Shop assistant:   Have you got the receipt with you ?
Man               :  I don’t think I’ve brought it with me - no I’ve left it at home. 
Shop assistant:  Sorry Sir, I won’t be able to replace it unless you show me the receipt. 
Man               : OK,  I’ll go home and get it. 

the receipt = the slip of paper given when you buy something
I’ve brought... = I have brought...
I’ve left it... = I have left it...
I won’t be... =  it will not be...
I’ll go home... = I will go...

Conversation 3 - Level 4

Man:  The Pullens Apartments and the area it is situated in has always been a bit of a rundown sort of place, hasn’t itAs I remember, the lighting was always kind of unreliable and there were often rough looking gangs hanging around.  I always used to avoid it when I was walking home in the dark. 

Woman: Well, if you thought it was bad before, you should see it now. It has really deteriorated. As soon as I can raise the money for a deposit on an apartment, I’m leaving - but that’s easier said than done. With the amount of money I’m bringing in, I’ll never save up enough to get out. 

rundown = unkempt and neglected
gangs = groups of people who are often engaged in illegal activities
has deteriorated = has got worse
that’s easier said than done = in reality, that is difficult to do
save up  = reserve and not spend / accumulate by not using it
to get out   = to leave / to escape

Conversation 4 - Level 4

Man     :  What would you say has caused the complex to change for the worse so quickly?
Woman:  Well, the state of the economy hasn’t helped but the area has been on a long, slow decline. 
Man     : When did you first notice the way things were going?
Woman:  Do you remember the riot in two thousand and eight (2008) ?
Man     :  Yes, how could I forget it?
Woman: Well, a few of buildings on the east side of the neighborhood were very badly damaged by a fire caused by some of the rioters. After that, the local authorities seemed to just give up on the place and let it fall apart. 

the complex = the apartment complex (where the woman lives)
the riot = the noisy and possibly violent uprising of people who are protesting about something
the local authorities = the local government
to...give up on = to abandon
let it fall apart = allow it to disintegrate

Alright. That's all for now. Those conversation might be hard, because some of them are spoken way too fast. But, do not worry. Maybe after taking this test, you'll realize your own weakness on listening. Don't get depressed. You maybe need more time to practice. Keep listening and repeating what you hear in English. You will get better as you repetitively do this kind of activity.

Keep Exploring!


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