Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How To Improve Your Reading Skill?

Okay, maybe some of you still have difficulties on reading, but that's okay. Here are some tips on how to read effectively, do you need a dictionary? Of course you do.


In order to read effectively, there are several stuff you need to know, like these:

1.      Your Purpose
What is your purpose in the reading? Is it an assignment? Or is it for your pleasure? Depending on your purpose, the question at the end of the reading might be different.

2.      Reading Speed
There are two ways of speed reading, it’s scanning and skimming:
·         Scanning: use this way when you want to find particular information quickly, like answering a question or some sort.
·         Skimming: use this way when you want to find what’s the information contained in your reading material. The usual way to do this is to read first and the last sentence in a paragraph.
Or you could just read it at a normal rate, and try to understand each sentence.

3.      Unknown Words List
There might be one or many words that you don’t know or understand, so make a list about them and search them at the dictionary, and then try to remember them by using it more often in daily conversations.

4.      Ask Questions
As you read your material, gather the information by asking questions, basic questions, like these:
·         What, e.g.  happened/will happen?
·         Who/what, e.g. was involved?
·         When, e.g. did it happen?
·         Where?
·         Why?
·         How?
As you answer these questions from your reading material, you can build it up and answer the main question: what does it all add up to? What is it that the writer wants us to find?

5.      Dictionary Uses
Sometimes a word doesn't simply have one meaning. A word meaning could change depends on what part of speech is the word in.

So, I think that's all I can tell to you about how to improve your reading skill. Now, why don't you re-read the article from before by using these tips, or, you can explore the internet, find an article, and use these tips?

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