Sunday, April 5, 2015

Test Your Listening Skill!

Hi everyone! How's your study? Have you got any better in English?
Okay, today I'm going to give you some short conversation audios. All you need to do is simple. Try to understand and repeat what the speakers are saying. I will provide the audios, and also the conversation texts. Try not to look at the text first when you're listening to the speakers talking. You can write down the words that the speakers said, and later, see if you can get yourself good results that match the texts. Here we go!


Short Conversation 1 - Level 1



Short Conversation 2 - Level 1

Okay, those are level 1 conversations. Try to write and repeat what they are saying. Take your time, do not get too rushed. Keep playing the audios until you can understand what the speakers are talking about.

Let's go to the next level, in case these level 1 conversations are too easy for you.

Short Conversation 3 - Level 2

Short Conversation 4 - Level 2

And those are level 2 conversations. Try to write and repeat what they are saying. Take your time, do not get too rushed. Keep playing the audios until you can understand what the speakers are talking about.

So, how was it? Did you understand the conversations? Were you able to write all the words? You might want to check your writing. I'll give you the conversation text below.


Short Conversation 1 - Level 1

Woman : I need to find a bank. Is there a bank near here?
Man      : There's a bank on the next street.

There's is a contraction from words there is

Short Conversation 2 - Level 1

Woman : Do you want to change money?
Man      : Yes. I want to change Dollars for Euros.

Short Conversation 3 - Level 2

Woman : Excuse me, do you sell maps in this shop?
Man      : Yes we do. What kind of map would you like?
Woman : I would like a road map of this area, please.
Man      : I think this is the one for you.

Short Conversation 4 - Level 2

Woman : Hello. I'd like to buy some detergent, please. Do you sell it here?
Man      : No. I'm sorry, but we don't.
Woman :Do you know where I can buy some, please?
Man      :There is a supermarket at the end of this road.

I'd like to... is the contraction of words I would like to...
I'm... is the contraction of words I am...
don't... is the contraction of words do not...

Alright, that's it. How was your result? Do you get anything new from these conversations? Well, they are just few samples of conversation. You can also find other kinds of conversation on the internet by using your search engines, like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Keep exploring! There are a LOT of materials on the internet that you can find easily. See you later, on the next post!


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